Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Magical Tips For Overcoming Loneliness..

Table of contents:

  1. What do you mean by loneliness?
  2. The traits by which a lonely person can be easily identified.
  3. Causes of loneliness according to age.
  4. Types of loneliness.
  5. Positive side of loneliness.
  6. Negative impact of loneliness on health and mind.
  7. Is loneliness a mental illness?
  8. Is being alone good for health?
  9. How do you overcome the loneliness?
  10. Summary

What do you mean by loneliness?

Man is a creature that comes to earth alone and once again leaves this world alone. But in between this coming and going, man can never be alone, he needs a partner. On whom he can rely, to whom he can easily express his words, who can easily take place in his mind. But very few people do. Sometimes people have to be alone.

By loneliness we usually mean the separation or isolation from family, relatives and friends. No one ever wants to live alone. But because of the environmental situations, one has to decide to stay alone for a long time. Loneliness is a temporary feeling. It's a complex and unpleasant mental process. It's also describe as a  social suffering.

The Traits By Which A Lonely Person Can Be Easily Identified:

Since different people live in the society, so their thoughts, behavior, mentality are  completely different from each other. That is, everyone  has unique characteristics. Most of these people prefer to live with a partner, on the other hand there are a number of people who feel comfortable living alone.

Loneliness has several distinctive features that are more or less observed in us. These features or signs are discussed in the following five categories:

1. Signs of loneliness that exists within yourself:

There are some features or signs of loneliness that you can often feel in yourself. For example:

  • Feeling Restless: If you prefer to be alone, you will find that most of the time you feel uncomfortable with people.
  • Being overly concerned with Self-Esteem: One of the main characteristics of lonely people is that they are very worried about their self-esteem. Such as they are extremely anxious about what people will say if they fail.
  • Misconceptions With Others: The idea that a lonely person often has about others isn't always correct.
  • The  Mentality Of Comparing With Others: People who are alone often compare themselves to others. And because of this nature he became frustrated.
  • Being Introverted: Such people are always shy. They always like to wrap themselves up.

  • Bored And Stubborn: Such people tend to be monotonous and stubborn in most cases.
  • Unsociable Behaviour: People who are used to be alone, don't adjust easily with others. So they have to face various problems in different situations.
  • Sensitive Mind: Such people always have a sensitive mind, and she could barely contain her tears.
  • Irritable Mood: Such people tend to be irritable in most cases. They are also more prone to anger.
  • No Mentality Of FORGIVENESS: People who are alone usually have a strong mind. And that's why they can't easily forgive anyone.
  • Struggling In A Social Setting: Being alone is a difficult task. In this case, you have to struggle with yourself at every moment to survive.
  • Always thinks that he's being avoided: Such people always feel that they are being underestimated, their opinions aren't being evaluated properly.
  • Carelessness: People who like to be alone are more likely to be indifferent.

2. Physical Signs Of Loneliness:

Loneliness can have a profound effect on your body. If you are alone for a long time, it can have a negative impact on both your body and mind. The signs of loneliness on your body are discussed below:

  • Frequent Sickness: Being alone is really a difficult task for a human being. When you start living alone, you are more likely to get sick.
  •  Felling Unwell: It's a monotonous life. In this life you can almost suffer from depression and despair. You can almost feel bad here.
  • Frequently Doctor Visit: Loneliness can make you almost sick. That's why, you may need to go to the doctor. 

  • Unhealthy Food Habits: Loneliness is a very messy life. Many times people resort to addictive foods to alleviate loneliness.

  • Lack Of Sleep: Lack of sleep is a very common problem among lonely people. You have to spend most of the night in restlessness.
  • The Tendency To Take Frequent Baths: In this life, many people like to take frequent shower to get rid of depression. Through this they feel some relief.
  • Increased Stress Level: Stress levels are always higher in people due to being alone.

3. Signs Of Loneliness Connecting With Others:

  • Maintain SmoothCommunication:  Loneliness hinders maintaining proper communication with others.
  • Irregular sleeping Habits: Due to being alone, people get into the habit of irregular sleep. On account of this reason, he can't always keep in touch with others.
  • Reluctance To Interact With Others: Such people are often reluctant to interact with others.
  • Over Focusing On Your Child Or Animals: To alleviate loneliness, such people become interested in raising children or animals.

  • Unwillingness To Communicate Directly With Friends: Always likes to keep themselves separate from friends, annoyed to communicate directly to them.
  • Keep Patient: Being alone is not an easy task. In this case, a lot of patience is required. Again, many have lost their temper at some point.
  • Becoming Frustrated: People who are alone often get a little frustrated.
  •  The Tendency To Quarrel: Loneliness has a negative impact on both your body and mind. As a result, your mood is always irritable. And soon you got involved arguments with people.
  • Lack Of Sharing Mentality: Such people will never like to share their emotions, feelings or anything with you.
  • Never Participate In Friends Programs: Such a person doesn't want to participate in any programs of friends.
4. Signs Of Loneliness By Addictive Manners:

Research shows that, when you start being alone, you may become addicted to certain things. The signs of loneliness that are related to addictive behaviours are discussed below:

  • Storage Of Unnecessary Items: People who have used to living alone buy extra things and store them at home.
  • Excessive Shopping Habits: To overcome loneliness, such people often become accustomed to unnecessary shopping.

  • Drugs Addiction: Studies have shown that such people are mostly addicted to various drugs.

  • Frequent Use Of The Internet: To pass the time, such people become inclined to use the internet.
  • Excessive Use Of The Helplines: Such people frequently call the helpline and ask for advice on various issues.
  • Interest In Material Things: Being alone creates a kind of attraction towards material things in such people. Such as, cars expensive mobiles, cameras etc.

5. Signs Of Loneliness In Teenagers And Children:

Not only adults but also children and adolescents suffer from loneliness. Studies have shown that children of both parents who work outside the home are more likely to be lonely. The signs of loneliness in children and teenagers are discussed listed below:

  • The Desire To Talk Constantly: Experience has shown that children don't usually like loneliness, they always want to play, want to express themselves. That's why they are always looking for playmates, people to talk to.
  • Attention Seeking: Children or teenagers always want to attract the attention of others. They want others to pay close attention to what he says and take care of him.
  • Lack Of Social Skill: If children and adolescents grow up in loneliness, they may not be comfortable with outsiders. As a result, they lose social communication skills.
  • Low Self-Satisfaction: Being alone reduces the rate of self-satisfaction among children and adolescents.
  • Being Stubborn: Children and adolescents who grow up alone tend to be stubborn, shy and self-centered.
  • Behavioural Problems: Being alone, children and adolescents especially adolescents, are more likely to engage in various forms of anti-social activity.
  • Being Stupid And Timid: Children and teenagers who grow up alone are often fearful and foolish.
  • Always Feelings Bad: Such children are always depressed due to loneliness, they are more prone to not feeling well. 

  • Easily Getting Sad And Cry: Babies who grow up alone are more likely to grieve and cry for little reason.
  • Making Fictional Friends: Such children tend to be imaginative and make imaginary friends to overcome their loneliness. He talks and plays along with this imaginary friend. As a result, it has a negative effect on the child's mind.
  • Giving Less Importance Than Others Siblings: He always thinks that his other siblings are more important than him.
  • Decreased Memory And Learning: Loneliness in most cases weakens children's intellect and creates a reluctance to study.
  • Depression And Suicide: Loneliness during adolescence is very scary. Adolescents at this age often suffer from depression due to being alone and at one stage they resort to suicide.

  • Poor Decisions Making: Loneliness often has a negative impact on the minds of children and teenagers. As a result they can't easily make decisions about anything.
Causes Of Loneliness According To Age:

We feel lonely at different stages of our lives. Some may feel lonely even within a social network while others may feel lonely even after having an intimate relationship. It varies from person to person. The reasons we feel lonely at different stages of our lives are discussed below:

  • The cause Of Loneliness In Children And Adolescents:
Research has shown that children whose parents are both employed or are always busy with their works are more likely to suffer from loneliness. Psychiatrists working with children and adolescents say the environment, family, society and the state are responsible for children's loneliness. Everyone needs to work together to bring children and teenagers out of this situation. Otherwise the normal development of the next generation will be hampered.

  • The Cause Of Loneliness In Young Adulthood:
The main reason of loneliness among young adults is the excessive use of social media. As a result they move away from their real life. Thus the rate of loneliness is increasing day by day. Young adults especially those aged 16-24, are currently the most isolated group in the West. In particular, young adults with low socio-economic status living in the most deprived areas are the most lonely in the UK.  According to BBC Survey, the 16-24 age group suffers the most from loneliness. In another study, the age group of 25-34 years was called " The age of anxiety."

According to a recent survey young people report the following causes of loneliness:

  1. 53 percent say they are too shy and introverted to connect with others.
  2. 27 percent say they don't really feel like they needs friends.
  3. 26 percent say their hobbies or interests don't facilitate friendship.
  4. 20 percent say that friendship are too much work.
  5. 19 percent say that the place they live has the wrong type of people.
  6. 14 percent say they are too busy for friendship.
  7. 11 percent say they recently moved and have had travel findings new friends.

In addition, there are other reasons behind the loneliness of young adults which are discussed below:
  • Fear Of Refusal: Young adults are afraid to make friends with anyone thinking that if they don't accept his friendship.
  • Choosing The Right Life Partner: Young adults are always hesitant to choose a life partner. The mind does not decided to get married until it finds a life partner. Because of this, they suffer from loneliness.
  • Building A Career: Many choose to live a lonely life in order to be established in society. In this case, they think that it's possible to reach the global quickly by persevering in the room by staying alone.
  • Shame On Unattractive Body Structure: The creator doesn't create mankind in the same form. Some are fair and some are black and some have physical defects. People who are black or have a physical defects often suffer from inferiority complex. And always likes to wrap himself.
  • Lack Of Opportunities: Opportunity doesn't come in same way in everyone's life. Lack of this opportunity leads to loneliness among young adults.
  • Unpleasant Personality: Some people are stubborn and have a bad temper and don't get along well with others. As a result, they decided to stay alone.
  • Feeling Unlucky: There are some people who always compare themselves to others and always suffer from lowness mentality. This creates a kind of loneliness between them.
  • Lack Of Knowledge: The creator doesn't give everyone the same ability to acquire knowledge. Some have more ability to acquire knowledge while others have less. Many choose to live a lonely life out of such narrowness.

  • The Cause Of Loneliness In Old Age:
Older people are particularly at risk for loneliness and social isolation and this can have serious effects on their health. Older people suffer from extreme loneliness in later life for variety of reasons. These reasons are briefly discussed below:
  • Grief: The main reason for loneliness in old age is to lose one's life partner. As a result, they become deeply saddened. Which is really hard to overcome.
  • Retire From Service: One of the main causes of loneliness in adults is retirement from employment.
  • Lost Of Network Of Friends And Companions: Older people suffer from extreme loneliness at this age due to being separated from relatives, friends and office colleagues.
  • Change In Living Environment: Older people suffer from severe loneliness due to this drastic change in their surroundings.
  • Physical Health Problems: In most of the cases, various diseases and ailments form in the human body in old age. This is one of the main reasons for their loneliness.
  • Lack Of Transport: An old man can't always move in any mode of  transport as he wishes. As a result, they are separated from their relatives.
  • Fear Of Being A burden: In old age the fear of being burdened by others due to physical disability takes root in the mind. Because of this they suffer from mental disorders and hide himself from everyone else.
  • Mental Health Problems: At  this age a person suffers from extreme mental distress due to various reasons which lead them to a life of loneliness.
  • Economical Crisis: Another major cause of loneliness in old age is financial problems. Because most parents think that their son or daughter will take care of them in old age.
  • Fear Of Death: Fear of death works in everyone at the end of life. This also causes loneliness among them.

Types Of Loneliness:

There are different types of loneliness. Being isolated from relatives is usually a form of loneliness. Many people may feel lonely even within social networks and may feel lonely even after having an intimate relationship with someone. That's why psychologists divide loneliness into four categories: Emotional, Social, Situational and Chronic. These four types of loneliness are discussed below:
 1. Emotional Loneliness: When you want to tell someone about something that has happened in your life or something thing that is struck in your mind but at that time you don't find anyone beside you, this state of mind is called emotional loneliness. Circumstantial variability is one of the factors behind emotional loneliness. Such as: physical separation, moving to a new place, divorce, death of a loved one. These factors causes emotional loneliness in human mind.
2. Social Loneliness: Social loneliness refers to the absence of an acceptable social network. For example: staying home for long periods of time and not communicating with family members, relatives, friends, office colleagues. Social isolation is usually caused by physical disability, mental health problems, unemployment, distance etc.

3. Situational Loneliness: Situational loneliness is the type of loneliness that occurs due to changes in a person's environment or his particular situation or because their needs are not adequately meet. It's a long lasting painful experience. Just like emotional loneliness, Situational loneliness can also result from changes in a person's life. As for a example: relocation, jobs change, divorce, pregnancy, separation from family and friends, personal illnesses or disability, loss of a beloved one.
4. Chronic Loneliness: Chronic loneliness is defined as loneliness that lasts for a long time in a person. Broadly speaking, loneliness and unhealthy social isolation when a person feels it for a long time is called chronic loneliness. Studies have shown that people who experience chronic loneliness are at greater risk. The study also found that, immigrants, bisexuals and homosexuals are more likely to experience chronic loneliness. Loneliness can have a lasting effect on you for a number of reasons as discussed below: 
  • If you keep yourself isolated from social activities due to lack of money.
  • If you can't get out of the house due to physical problems.
  • If your relationship with family is weak or if you are separated from the family.
  • Lack of friends can create such loneliness.
  • Past experience of sexual or physical abuse that can make it difficult to establish a close relationship with someone else.
Positive Side Of Loneliness:

Most of the people in this world like to spend their lives happily ever after. However, there are some people who prefer to be alone. Being alone is not a bad thing. There are many benefits to being alone. Studies have shown that loneliness is good for our mental health. People who live alone or love to be alone have a much stronger minds and they have a deeper thinking power as well as their brain is sharper. The good aspects of being alone are discussed below:

  • Unique Personality: Research has shown that most people who love to be alone have a unique personality.
  • Powerful Mind: Being alone isn't an easy task, it requires a strong mind. That's why people who are alone are more likely to have a powerful mind.
  • Positive Attitude: People who are alone often have a positive outlook. Because when you are alone, busy with your own work, you will have no time to think about others.
  • Ultimate Target Setting: People who are lonely have a strong morale and are determined to achieve their goals in life.
  • Creative Mind: People who are alone tend to be creative minded. Because at this time your brain gets a chance to think about something and your thinking power gradually becomes sharper. Through this a kind of creativity awakens in you.
  • Self Respect: Usually people who live alone have a little more self-esteem. Because when you are with a lot of people, someone can make a bad comment about you, but when you are alone, no one will get a chance to make a bad comment about you.
  • Mentally And Emotionally Strongness: People who love to be alone usually mentally and emotionally strongness. Because they know that if they have a problem today, they will have to deal with it alone.
  • Self-Reliant: People who live alone are more likely to be self-reliant. They don't expect help from anyone or want to be a burden to others. Because they know that most of the people in this world don't want to assist to anyone without their own interests.
  • High Success Rate: People who live alone always have a high success rate. Because when they spend time for themselves, they can get to know themselves better, understand their own minds, determine their own capabilities. They can also plan their life well, set their targets correctly. And in this way they can reach the desire peak of their life.
  • More Productive: Those who live alone tend to be more productive than the average person. Because no one can come to them easily, there is no one to bother them. As a result, they can easily concentrate on their work.

Negative Impact Of Loneliness On Your Body And Mind:

If you are alone for long periods of time then naturally loneliness will have a negative effect on both your body and mind. The ways in which loneliness has a negative effect on your body and mind are discussed below:

  1. Increased Stress: People who are alone are often in turmoil and stress.
  2. High Blood Pressure: Loneliness can cause your blood pressure to suddenly raise.
  3. Anxiety And Depression: Loneliness can increase your levels of anxiety and depression.
  4. Sleeping Problem: People who live alone can't sleep well at night.
  5. Low Self-Esteem: When people are alone, most of the time they are on emotional turmoil and for this they sometimes get involved in anti-social activities. In this way their self-esteem decreases.
  6. Heart Disease: Studies have shown that people who are alone for a long time have a 29% chance of having a heart attack.
  7. Decreased Immunity System: Loneliness lowers your body's resistance to disease.
  8. Diabetes: Loneliness can lead to diabetes.
  9. Inflammation Throughout The  Body: Loneliness can cause inflammation in your whole body.
  10. Drag Addiction: People who are alone often become addicted to various drugs to protect themselves from stress.
Is Loneliness A Mental Illness?

For various reasons, we keep anger, sorrow, pride, and dissatisfaction in our minds. And from all this, frustration is being born in us. And this despair is now reaching  a stage that is pushing us towards death. Because we can't share our thoughts with anyone. Everyone wants to know how we are, how our body is, how our work is going but no one wants to know if we have a good mind. A recent study found that people who live alone are many times more likely to have a heart attack

According to European guidelines, people who choose to be isolated and disconnected have a much higher risk of dying prematurely from a heart attack or stroke. As a result, you suffer from loneliness find out the exact cause and solve it. Psychiatrist can be sought if necessary. 

Annie Vingard, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen said, loneliness is the leading cause of premature death. Loneliness breaks people's mental health. Such people can't enjoy life in the right way. It also increases their risk of heart disease.

Loneliness can lead to complex neurological disorders. This is because excessive anxiety can lead to sleep deprivation, inability to eat adequate amounts of food, excessive consumption of tea or coffee and excessive smoking. As a result, there is no control over oneself.

The main measure of mental illness is loneliness. This reduces the body's resistance to the disease on the one hand and sexual desire on the other. This leads to unrest which results in divorce. In addition, various physical ailments including diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure are the onset of mental illness. So if you feel lonely, you have to try to overcome it. On the other hand, if you have schizoid personality disorder, you would prefer to be alone and work alone, not wanting to get involved in a close relationship. It's a serious mental illness and if such a problem occurs, you should seek medical help immediately.

Is Being Alone Good For Health?

Loneliness and social isolation can be detrimental not only to mental health but also to physical health and can even cause death. Researchers say that more than 26 percent of those who live alone are at risk of death. This is the result of a study of more than three million people. Loneliness can be hurtful to your health, quality of life and well being. Being alone for long periods of time can increase your risk of depression, anxiety disorders, heart disease and drug addiction. It can also help progress Alzheimer's disease and reduce your ability to learn. In addition, lonely people have higher rates of high blood pressure and cancer. Although a new study says that it's actually good for your mental health. A new study looks at both social interaction and time alone as indicators of good mental health. The study found time spent alone, but not lonely, is a strong indicator of global well being.

How Do You Overcome The Loneliness?

We all suffer from loneliness at different stages of our lives, from children to the elderly. How we can alleviate loneliness at different stages of our lives is discussed below:

1.Ways To Alleviate The Loneliness Of Children And Adolescents:

To alleviate the loneliness of children and adolescents, every parent should spend time with their children. Because children are entitled to a gentle mind. They never like to be alone. Loneliness has a negative effect on the tender minds of children. As a result, their mental health deteriorated. Studies have shown that most of the mental problems of children and adolescents are due to their surroundings. Very few are genetic influences. Ways to overcome loneliness in children and adolescents are discussed below:

  • Parents need to change their style that is they need to spend time with their children, listen to them and love them.
  • Nothing can be forced on children and adolescents.
  • Give them a chance to decide.
  • They need to be taught to be self-reliant.
  • Adults should never say or do anything in front of them that has a negative effect on their mind.
  • We need to create a safe playing environment for them.
  • Everyone in the family needs to be more caring for their children.
  • Adolescents will be busy with any work in their free time. For example: an animal can be kept, a garden can be done, can do any creative work etc.
  • Adolescents can get into the habit of reading books to alleviate their loneliness.
  • Teenagers can form a circle of friends with whom they can spend time.

  • Adolescents is an important part of developing yourself as a full fledged person. So during this time you need to know well about yourself such as what's your life plan, what you want to achieve, how much you can afford, what things make you happy, how much you want to continue your studies, what everyone in the family expects from you and so on.
  • In this way, teenagers will move forward in the work of developing themselves as perfect human beings knowing, understanding and feeling themselves, determining the extent of their abilities.
  • Adolescents must maintain constructive and cordial relationship with family, friends and neighbors.
  • Adolescents will be engaged in awakening the latent talents in them. They will try to arouse their own creativity. Always keep yourself busy in such a way that loneliness doesn't come around them.

2.Ways To Overcome Youths Loneliness:

Young adults can use the following methods to overcome their loneliness:

  • Reducing Use Of Social Media: Young adults spend their free time on social media which takes them away from real life. So the use of social media should be restricted.
  • Work As A Volunteer: Young adults can play a role as volunteers in overcoming their loneliness.
  • Keep In Touch With Real Friends: There are lots of friends on social media but not all friends are real. So keep in touch with real friends.
  • Attend In A Class: Young people can join any class to overcome loneliness. Such as: art class, music class. 
  • Join In A Club: Youngsters can join any club to overcome loneliness.
  • Make A Habit Of Reading Books: Young adults can develop the habit of reading books to alleviate their loneliness.
  • See A Medical Specialist: Young people can seek the help of a medical specialist in order to removing their loneliness.
  • Gardening: Young adults can be busy with any constructive work during their spare time. For example: gardening.
  • Watching A Movie: Youngsters can watch comedy movies or romantic movies to get rid of loneliness.
  • Maintain Good Relations With Others: Try to maintain good relations with family, relatives, friends, office colleagues and bosses.
  • Learn To Analyze Yourself: You need to learn self analysis. You will spend some time of the day trying to feel for yourself, what you want to get more, how to be happier, how far you want to take your career, how to be happier in married life and so on.

  • Choose The Right Life Partner: Young people can start married life to overcome their loneliness. That's why you need to choose the perfect life partner. Choose a life partner with whom you can trust, with whom you will find the harmony of your mind, with whom you can open your mind.
  • Have A Positive Attitude: Another way to get rid of loneliness is to have a positive attitude. Always keep your thoughts, mind-set positive, don't have a bad idea about yourself. Always remember that no matter who you are, you are the best creation of the Creator.
  • Sharing Habit With Partner: You need to develop the habit of sharing with your life partner. Because it is possible to get rid of loneliness through this process

3.Ways To get Rid Of Loneliness In Older:

In today's world of pandemic, on the one hand, social isolation is on the rise, and on the other, loneliness is on the rise, especially among the elderly. It's really difficult to get rid of the loneliness in old age because at this age old people become weak not only physical but also mentally. However, there are some ways to reduce their loneliness that are discussed below:

  • Focus On Health: With age, various diseases start to from in the body. That's why older people need to take care of their body all the time, get regular medical checkups. Because if the body is healthy, the mind is good and if the mind is good, loneliness will not come to you.
  • Can Plan For A Tips: Older people can occasionally go for a walk somewhere nearby. For example: You can go to shopping or can go to any place of your choice or can go to visit the sea or go to a relative house.
  • Be More Creative: An older person has a lot of knowledge and experience. So at this time you have to become more creative.
  • Search For Volunteer Teams: If there are any volunteer groups near the area, they should be contacted as they provide a variety of entertainment for the elderly.
  • Adopt A Pet: Adults can adopt an animal to alleviate their loneliness.
  • Keep In Touch With Office Colleagues And Friends: To relive from loneliness adults will always keep in touch with their old friends and office colleagues.
  • Participate In A Class: Since adults are huge possess knowledge so they can teach in any class to spend their time well and overcome their loneliness.
  • Start A New Hobby: Older people can start a new hobby to ease their loneliness. Suppose that gardening, fishing, planting, keeping birds and so on.

  • Teach Someone Something: Older people can do the work of teaching someone to have a good time. There are a lot of people around you who want to learn something. If you have such an opportunity, you can help them with your wise and helpful advice.
  • Can Be A Good Listener: Nowadays there is a great lack of people to listen to. So you can be a good listener and get rid of your loneliness at least a little bit.
  • Never Feel Helpless: You should never feel helpless, have a positive attitude and keep your morale strong, take care of your body. You are a precious asset. You can help people with your knowledge and experience.
  • Always Try To smile: Always try to smile openly because laughter makes people lively.
  • Can Write A Diary: One of the main ways to overcome loneliness is to write a diary. You can spend some time each day writing a diary about your life at a specific time. So that your time can go through much better.


In today's world of advanced technology and epidemics, we are all slowly falling in to the trap of loneliness. Loneliness includes both joy and pain. By being alone you can build yourself more strong, creative and productive. But to be successful in life isn't to be alone. Being alone doesn't mean that you will be confined to a room, separated from your family, relatives, friends and work. Rather, being alone means removing yourself from the circle of negative people around you, all the fake friends on social media. You will spend time for yourself, for your family, for your true friends, for your mistakes and for your love. Take some time for yourself every day and spend that time only for yourself, think about yourself, ask yourself questions about different things, try to analyze yourself, you will see that loneliness will not have any lasting effect in your life. On the other hand, long term loneliness can have a negative effect not only on your body but also on your mind and can lead to depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and even heart disease.

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